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Body and Mind

Clinical Depression: More Than Just Being Sad


This week on Be Stylish we are looking at a subject that is not often talked about, at least not as much as it should be, depression.  For those with clinical depression, the world can be a sad, dark place. Simple activities can take an enormous amount of effort, activities that used to be enjoyable have lost their luster, and it can feel like a hopeless uphill struggle to get through every day. But most people do not understand that clinical depression is more than “just being sad”. If you or someone you know suffers from depression, read on for some tips on how to manage symptoms, and talk to your personalised private psychiatrist in London.

What are the symptoms of clinical depression?

Depression is not only categorised by low mood. While that is a core symptom, others include restlessness, difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much, appetite changes, loss of interest in hobbies and activities, a sense of hopelessness and/or guilt, anxiety, lack of concentration, and suicidal thoughts or attempts. Not all patients will experience all symptoms, but several of these must be experienced for an extended period of time before a diagnosis of clinical depression can be made.

Depression often co-occurs with another disorder, such as anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, or borderline personality disorder, among others.

What causes clinical depression?

The causes of clinical depression are varied and arguable. For many patients, depression comes from a variety of sources. Biological causes include physical differences in the brain and problems with nerve cell communication. Brain chemistry also plays a part, since uneven levels in certain chemicals can greatly affect mood. Many patients diagnosed with clinical depression also have a family history of the disorder. For readers in the UK then www.depressionuk.org/national_links.shtml offer good websites and resources.

Can clinical depression be treated naturally?

There has been lots of discussion over the years about natural treatments for depression. St. John’s wort is well-known as a natural remedy, but can have serious side effects when taken along with antidepressants. Saffron seems to offer relief from symptoms but can be dangerous in large doses and requires more research to be a viable option. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in certain species of fish and some types of nuts and seeds) have been long-touted as being good for brain health, but its effects on depression have not been officially confirmed nor denied.

You should always speak to your mental health professional before taking any over-the-counter or herbal supplements, especially if you are already taking antidepressants.

What types of professional treatment are available for clinical depression?

Many patients find that combination treatment works best for managing clinical depression. Cognitive behavioural therapy can be an effective tool, especially when combined with an antidepressant regimen. Keep in mind that antidepressants do take time to work, so it is not uncommon for patients to wait several weeks before treatment begins to be noticeably effective. Maintain an open dialogue with your doctor, since dosages will likely need to be adjusted at the beginning, and not all drugs work the same for all patients. Therapy generally begins with frequent appointments and then tapers off as symptoms become more manageable. For more articles on body

Clinical depression can be a crippling affliction, but there are steps you can take to manage symptoms and live a more fulfilling life.

Talk to your doctor today if you or someone you love is showing symptoms of depression, and get the help you need to be the best version of you. For more articles related to Body and Mind see here. 

George Lavas

George is dedicated to fashion and style for men. Based in the UK, George enjoys writing about lifestyle and fashion from both sides of the pond. George created BeStylish.org to help readers create a strong sense of style with minimum effort believing that everyone can look and feel good, all day, every day.

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