5 Surprising Effects of Lack of Sleep

We all know that lack of sleep is rubbish. It leaves us feeling slow and sluggish the next day and for days to come if we fail to catch up. Over time, though not getting enough sleep can have even more disastrous consequences, both for health and mental functioning. Read on and find out exactly how a lack of sleep can have effects that you had probably never even thought of.
1. Sleep Loss Dumbs You Down
Lack of sleep can have an extremely detrimental effect on your memory. Studies show that a sleep impaired brain is less efficient at memory retrieval, making it more likely that you will forget things. Sleep is also important for helping us to consolidate memories, to really put our brain to work at storing memories for future use. Not getting enough rest, therefore, means that people can struggle with learning because their brain is not having the opportunity to work at storing information they have come across during the day.
Sleep is important for helping us to consolidate memories, to really put our brain to work at storing memories for future use.
2. Lack of Sleep Ages Your Skin
When you sleep at night your skin goes through a restoration process. When you are sleeping your skin cell renewal rate almost doubles and the production of collagen, which maintains the elasticity of your skin is also boosted. Your skin also gets to work fighting the free radicals that can cause damage if left unchecked while you rest. If you don’t get enough sleep, therefore, it stands to reason that your skin will pay a price. Unfortunately, it is likely that you will age prematurely. If you are struggling with sleep, you can boost your skin’s natural healing processes by eating the right foods. Read our blog post about 6 foods that can help keep your skin looking great.
3. Sleepiness Causes Accidents
We’re sure you have heard about people falling asleep at the wheel and causing accidents. It’s one of those things that sound like it could never happen to you but trust us, it can. If you are suffering from exhaustion because of lack of sleep you can be a danger to yourself and other drivers. Why not shop around for the best mattress to see if you can boost your chances of getting the quality sleep that you need?
4. Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to Serious Health Problems
A lack of sleep can really have huge consequences for our overall health. When we don’t sleep enough our immune system can be compromised, leaving us susceptible to bugs and infections. Not sleeping enough can also lead to us gaining weight, putting us at risk of obesity and all the health consequences that come with that. Lack of sleep can also put us at increased risk of developing diabetes.
Lack of sleep can also put us at increased risk of developing diabetes.
5. Sleepiness Is Depressing
Even getting through one day after a bad nights sleep is difficult, there is no wonder that those who constantly struggle are more susceptible to depression and other mental health conditions. Firstly, lack of sleep leaves us feeling moody and irritable which is hard enough. This can then lead on to us sheltering ourselves from interaction because we feel so bad, which can become a downward spiral. Sometimes, a prolonged period of self-care is needed to really catch up on our rest.