What Happens When You Shave on Acne Prone Skin

Skin prone acne skins are so embarrassing, especially when stepping out of the house. People suffering from acne can do anything to get rid of them. However, there is nothing worse than shaving acne prone skin. It is a painful and messed up process, but we have to deal with it anyway.
Some people are so unlucky since they have to deal with this problem most of their youthful life. This comes as a relief to people who suffer from these breakouts; it doesn’t have to be hectic anymore! What you require is preparing your skin enough before shaving, using the right items to shave, and more so applying the proper techniques during shaving. Here are a few tips on how to go about the shaving.
What you require is preparing your skin enough before shaving, using the right items to shave, and more so applying the proper techniques during shaving.
1. Prepare your face for a shave
The first thing to do is to have a hot shower to open hair pores. Showing softens hair making it easy to shave since they do not require force to pull them from their roots. Washing also removes dead skin and grease that could cause a lot of friction to with the razor during shaving. The moment you slide the blade through a greased face, there is a possibility of bruising the acne or causing more pains. You should never shave a face with hairs lying on the skin. This is because the razor will graze through instead of slicing through the strands. To prevent such occurrences, always apply exfoliating cleansers to keep the hairs raised.
2. Choose the right products
The best product to apply after exfoliating your skin is applying shaving lather on your skin. This is because the lather will give the skin some grip to prevent the razor from sliding through the hairs instead of shaving. For the people with acne, they should use a lot of creams to prevent the razor from using too much force during the shave. The pressure applied when one uses less cream leads to irritation of the skin which may result in breakouts.
Acne-prone skins are known to be very sensitive. Choosing the right razor for the shave should, therefore, be a priority. Twin-blade razor is the best when it comes to sensitive skins. This is because the single tends to pull the skin while razors with four or more blades tend to be so powerful. This requires more causes irritation to the sensitive skins. In addition to this, never use a blunt razor. Blunt objects need much force to complete a task; the more the pressure, the more harm caused on the skin.
3. If the shave causes harm, opt for a trim
Some people are so unlucky; shaving done in utmost care will always cause irritations or breakouts. If you are this person, this could be the high time to let go of the razor and get yourself a trimmer. This is because a trimmer does not have direct contact with your skin. Either way, it is only cutting through your hairs at a desirable length. For this, you will have avoided the razor burns that come with shaving. Trimming could be the only option for acne-prone skins.
4. Never shave over pimples
The most painful experience is shaving over your pimples. This could not only cause pain but also but also help in spreading the bacteria to other parts of your skin. This situation could increase the acne or cause more irritation. Shaving over the acne makes it worse since a pimple is cut open exposing it to infections. The healing of such pimples take a while, and it may leave marks on your skin for some time. Treatment for pimples is quite painful, especially when done on open sores. It may sting a bit, something you don’t want to experience.
This could not only cause pain but also but also help in spreading the bacteria to other parts of your skin.
Acne is not only uncomfortable but also painful. People with such experiences will tell you of things they do to end the acne. For some, they pay frequent visits to dermatologists, use over the counter creams recommended to them by friends or herbal medicines. Additionally, some suffer unimaginable pain while shaving their faces, especially the young men. Using the wrong shaving tools or creams may increase the acne, causes irritations, leave dark marks or razor bumps. People always wonder how to avoid razor bumps on the skins. However, the answer is simple; be gentle on your skin! This is something we don’t want to go through. For this matter, apply the above techniques to avoid the aftershave sufferings on acne prone skins.