Are We Happy Yet? Eight Keys to Unlocking a Joyful Life

It’s safe to say that 2016 was a tough year and, with the start of 2017, things don’t seem much brighter. From political upsets to the loss of major icons, and anger-filled social media feeds to daily violent news reports, it’s understandable that stress levels are running high.
Internationally recognized positive psychology coach and talk radio show host Lisa Cypers Kamen’s powerful message of how to take control of your own happiness is not only relevant, but desperately needed. “It’s not enough to just think happy thoughts,” says Cypers Kamen. “We must take action to create happiness.” And thankfully she’s sharing just how to do that in her new book, Are We Happy Yet? Eight Keys to Unlocking a Joyful Life, a no-nonsense fusion of science and heart, filled with proven tools and techniques for creating your very own “happiness revolution.
In Are We Happy Yet? Cypers Kamen reveals her breakthrough system for cultivating sustainable happiness and well-being, regardless of life’s drama, trauma, or challenges. Through practical tips, tools, and exercises, she shows readers exactly how to boost their “Happiness-Factor” to new levels, and tap into the joy and peace they deserve. Through her wide-ranging, decades-long career, Cypers Kamen has redefined — for herself and many others, worldwide — the pursuit of happiness, even during life’s most challenging times. Are We Happy Yet? draws on that expertise and shows readers how to take the applicable principles of positive psychology, and start using it in their daily lives.
“Positive psychology focuses on what’s right with life here, now and tomorrow, rather than ruminating on what’s wrong with it and what happened in the past,” says Cypers Kamen. “Are We Happy Yet? helps readers embrace the absolute best parts of life, each and every day.”
Through the pages of Are We Happy Yet?, Cypers Kamen teaches readers how to:
- Accept the past for what it is—a reference point, not a destination
- Embrace the truth that, while life is tough, you can be happy
- Transform your relationship with yourself from enemy to ally
- Appreciate why less is often more
- Focus on what’s right with your life, not what’s wrong
- Control the only person you can—yourself!
- Invest in yourself to become more mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually fit
- Use your newly discovered joy to become a more positive and productive influence in the world
- And much more!
About the Author:
Lisa Cypers Kamen, MA, is an internationally recognized applied positive psychology coach, author, speaker, documentary filmmaker, and host of the popular syndicated talk radio show Harvesting Happiness, where she has helped millions of people around the world generate more joy and fulfillment in their life. Cypers Kamen’s global practice focuses on addiction as well as trauma and life-crisis recovery to help clients balance their minds, bodies, and emotions, create greater overall well-being, and transform Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) into Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG). She is a frequent radio, television, and print media guest expert, TEDx presenter, and contributor to The Huffington Post, Positively Positive, and Inspire Me Today.
Cypers Kamen is also the founder of the nonprofit Harvesting Happiness for Heroes, where she spearheads stigma-free trauma recovery and post-deployment reintegration services for military personnel and their loved ones challenged by the invisible wounds of war. Her goal is to help them reawaken joy in their lives.
To learn more about Lisa and her work, visit &, and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Are We Happy Yet? is available for order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and neighborhood booksellers and will be released on March 20, 2017 —the United Nations International Day of Happiness.
A little update.
I have recently decided to go Freelance, something in which I am extremely excited about and looking for and will be updating the blog soon.