Getting Back into the Dating Scene After a Gray Divorce

Divorce among seniors is on the rise in America, with divorce rates for those aged 50 and over having doubled since the 1990s. Longer life expectancies have prompted many men and women to put an end to unhappy marriages so they can enjoy the many decades they have left alone or with someone who shares their passions. If you have recently become divorced and you are worried about finding Mr. or Ms. Right, take note. Recent statistics obtained by Pew Research show that remarriage is on the rise for Americans aged 55 and over, a trend that is not being echoed by younger generations.
Remarriage is on the rise for Americans aged 55 and over.
Senior Remarriage in Numbers
The above-mentioned research showed that only 29% of people aged 18 to 24 chose to remarry in the year of the study, compared to 67% of those aged 55 to 64. The study also shows that men are considerably more likely than women to head for the alter a second time (64 compared to 52%). Researchers also found that among those aged 55 or more, around 8% had been married two or more times previously – clearly, many men are giving Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton a run for their money, largely because they wish to enjoy the warmth and company that marriage can provide.
Where to Find Love
If you are a divorced senior who wishes to find love again, it is important to see time as an investment in your future happiness. ‘Love won’t come knocking round your door’, as they say, and while you don’t want to seem ‘desperate and dateless’, it is important to invest the free time you do have in actions that will expand your social circle. Think a sporting activity like yoga, a community theatre or social group, and the like. Even if you don’t meet the love of your life at these gatherings, the people you meet can indirectly power you to do so by eventually introducing you to a wider social circle. Spending time with others on mindful activities like yoga will also help you weather stress and anxiety, and help battle isolation. Movement is life, so your number one priority should simply be to stay active.
Even if you don’t meet the love of your life at these gatherings, the people you meet can indirectly power you to do so
Online Dating
One in 10 Americans who find dates on the Internet is a baby boomer, according to a recent national survey. Millennials are still the number one group of online daters, but over 50s aren’t falling far behind! As noted by experts, seniors are usually positive about the online dating experience, and they know what they are looking for. As is the case with younger users, the Internet simply provides the chance to meet more people with shared interests.
If you have recently obtained a divorce and you are wondering if you are ever going to find love again, the real question is, do you want to? If you do, there are many other divorcees who are probably interested in getting to know you. Whether you are looking for someone in everyday life or on the Internet, be confident that you have plenty to offer.