How to Dress Sharp for Every Occasion

There is more to clothing than meets the eye. People dress to impress, and those who don’t are looking to make a statement. What we wear says a lot about who we are and what we want out of life. It has been said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression, and how we dress says a lot about the reactions we want to evoke from other people. The fashion faux pas of yesterday could be the fashion trends of tomorrow; that’s how fickle fashion is. Regardless, it’s important to cut a fine form with what we wear, and how we present ourselves to others. Clothing, or the lack thereof, can titillate the senses in an incredible way. While we may be comfortable wearing slacks and sweatpants at home with friends and family around, we would hardly feel adequately attired that way at a business function. That’s because certain norms and standards are expected of us.
The dating scene
It’s never easy deciding what to wear on a date. In fact, this is one of the most nerve-racking decisions that men and women make. Since you never get a second chance to make a good first impression, everyone wants to dress up to the nines on a first date with someone special. Depending on who you’re dating, and how serious you are about them, you could go all the way with Chanel, Ralph Lauren, D&G or any other high street fashion label. Or, you could opt for casual attire like jeans and T-shirts, skirts or shorts, depending on the company and the location. The fashion sense required in the dating scene encompasses more than just the clothing; it’s grooming that matters. It’s just as important to evoke the olfactory senses as it is the visual stimuli with a sharp and snazzy dress sense. What you wear certainly says a lot about your personality and your respect for the person you are meeting on a date. As a rule of thumb, dress for success – you never know if this is your forever after.
Family gatherings
When it comes to family gatherings, nobody knows better than you how to dress. Some families prefer to attend gatherings in a formal fashion, replete with dress pants, a blazer and a tie. Other families are far more casual and accepting. Regardless, family affairs are typically associated with a laid-back dress code, and a feel-good vibe. For family gatherings, it’s generally accepted that people kick back, relax and enjoy the event in a social way. Your uniqueness is appreciated in your family, and your dress code should reflect accordingly.
Fun and games and evening activities
Entertainment is a tricky one. If you’re heading out to the local bowling alley, or to go and play a round of miniature golf you’re pretty much good in jeans or sweatpants. But head out to the local casino and it’s an entirely different ballgame. There you may be expected to dress with a suit and tie, or a strapless evening gown. It all depends on where you’re sitting too. Slots players at a Vegas casino are typically the most casual of all. They wear anything from shorts and vests to superhero costumes. You may find it odd that professional blackjack players, poker players and Baccarat players may intentionally wear ‘inappropriate’ clothing to throw off their opposition, or to empower themselves.
It has been found that Superman clothing actually empowers the wearer to the point where they believe they are more proficient at their poker play. This is an astonishing fact that has been proven, time and again. The player who breaks with tradition in terms of attire is also a distraction to other players. One of the top poker players, Shannon Shorr had this to say about appearances and how beguiling they can be: ‘We’re all subconsciously making assumptions about others given the limited information that we have, so appearance is a big one!’