Four Ways Not To Embarrass Your Partner At This Summer’s Events

It doesn’t matter who you’re dating, nobody likes to embarrass their partner. As the spring and summer brings some of the hottest social events on the calendar, there’s plenty of opportunities to have fun together… but there’s also just a little chance of something going wrong.
Have no fear – you don’t need to worry. We’ve put together a guide to keeping your partner happy and keeping you in their good books.
Take An Interest
It goes without saying that if your partner is passionate about something, you should at least try to care about it too. This doesn’t mean you have to completely change your hobbies but trying new things shows that you’re willing to take the things they like seriously – plus you get to expand your horizons a little and spend more of your time together. You know they’re a fun and interesting person so the things they like probably will be as well.
Of course, lots of the events of the summer may well put you out of your comfort zone, and that’s okay.
For example, the horse races are a hugely popular part of the social calendar, and many women and men alike go along for far more than just the races themselves. Events like the Cheltenham Festival, the Grand National and Royal Ascot are an excuse to dress up, have a few drinks and even network in society. It can all seem a little much if you’re not used to it, but what’s not to love? Plan your outfit for these things in advance (your partner will probably leap at the chance to help) and be sure to follow the rules of etiquette as well. If you’re unsure on the betting side of things, don’t miss out. That’s half the fun! There’s plenty of advice online when it comes to the odds and following these tips should give you a little insight. Hopefully, you’ll land a dead cert!
Wear The Right Stuff
Whether it’s the aforementioned races or a music festival, you don’t want to show your partner up with an array of fashion “don’ts”. Style is for everyone and there’s a style for everything. Obviously, it goes without saying that your partner should love you whatever you wear – and you should be comfortable in your own skin – but that doesn’t give you an excuse to not make any effort.
Lots of the events of the summer may well put you out of your comfort zone, and that’s okay.
Take the time to research each and every event that your partner might be taking you to. For the races, you really can’t dress shabbily. When it’s a music festival, pay attention to the style of music. You don’t have to start dressing like Marilyn Manson if you’re going to a metal festival (if it’s not already your thing, you might look a tad ridiculous…) but then you don’t want to stand out as “grandpa”, either. There are so many things you can wear, and advice about how to wear it is available online. You’re not off the hook!
Keep things low-key and ask your partner’s advice when all else fails. And if the event you’re attending is more “your thing”? Perfect! It’s your time to shine. Even in the depths of our comfort zones, we can make a bit of an effort. So, even if you’re just heading on out to the match – have you perhaps thought about a pair of new shoes?
Don’t Drink Too Much
It happens to the best of us. Summer brings beer gardens, beaches, festivals and a whole abundance of outdoor activities that go best with a few nice, cold refreshing beverages of the alcoholic variety!
Most of us have taken it too far in our lives but, if you’re constantly having to be taken home early because you can no longer stand, chances are that you’re ruining everyone else’s vibe. It’s easy to do – the sun makes us forget just how much we’re drinking and so it’s forgivable to get carried away (especially if you’re literally just trying to cool down).
Drinks are almost deserved when the weather gets nice – we all deserve a treat and they keep you social and having fun. Keep things casual by counting out the units you’ll be drinking beforehand (of course, you can do this at home to keep your cool points). But think about your partner and make sure they’re not constantly having to change their plans because of your bad behaviour. That’s one sure way to make it into the bad books…
Pay Attention To Their Friends
There’s nothing worse than having to be reintroduced to someone again… and again… and again. Forgetting someone’s name once can be forgiven, any more than that and, at worst, it’s rude; at best, it’s a serious faux pas.
To remember people’s names, add them on Facebook. Keep up a conversation with them when you’re around them with your partner, and actually listen to what they’re saying. Ask questions, bond over a few drinks, and try to avoid just keeping yourself to yourself in a social situation. Sure, social anxiety is a real thing but, after a while, you’ll feel comfortable.
Making the effort with your partner’s friends will pay off in the long run. It’s an argument waiting to happen if you’re just not paying any attention. The favour will likely be returned and you’ll appreciate it too when she is seen to be friendly and attentive to your mates too.
The more you learn about their friends, the more you may find that you actually have stuff in common. Plus, your partner’s friends probably have partners too so it’s a win-win all around and you’ll expand your social circle.
You’re not an embarrassment – your partner most likely wouldn’t be with you if you were! But the summer is the season to be social (and sometimes silly) so there are just a few things to take into account. Don’t be the couple everyone’s betting on to break up – be the one where everyone’s super sure of your success.