Cardigans for Men – The Style Secret Celebrities Don’t Want You to Know

… the cardigan.
What is a cardigan and why am I so excited by it?
A cardigan is in fact a sweater that you can tie, button or zip in the front. It has so many advantages that I wish I could tell them all at once to you! But let’s take them one by one.
It’s versatile
Some guys don’t feel right wearing a cardigan. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s something new to them or if they think they look weird. The point I’m making here is this: you can wear a cardigan with both formal and casual outfits.
If you’re tired of wearing a suit at work, leave the suit jacket at home for once and replace it with a cardigan. It will match great with your dress pants and shirt.
Whether you like dressing classy or casual, there is a way to incorporate cardigans in your wardrobe.
It’s fashionable
If guys like Zac Efron and David Beckham can wear this, surely you can too. If you read my blog or ebook, you’ll learn to match your cardigan even better than THEY can:
Let’s dissect the pictures above a little.
David is wearing his cardigan with a paid shirt, a casual tie and jeans. You can’t get any more casual than that. Let’s notice a few subtleties:
– the cardigan contrasts with the shirt
– only the shirt has patterns, the cardigan and tie are uni (too many patterns in an outfit can tire the eye)
– the shirt is tucked in on one side to let the belt show
Zac’s outfit is a little more conservative but he still did an awesome job at matching colors.
It comes in a wide variety of types
The type of cardigan that David and Zac are wearing is probably the first thing that comes to mind when pronouncing this word. The fact of the matter is, there are several other types of cardigans, each with its own particularities. Let’s see pictures of each of them.
The Hooded Cardigan
The Military Cardigan
The Zipper Cardigan
The Double Breasted Cardigan
The Shawl Collar Cardigan
What can you wear your cardigan with?
Here’s a few outfits that go great with cardigans. Just make sure the clothes fit you and you color match them the right way.
- a dress shirt, a pair of dress pants, a tie and a pair of leather shoes
- a pair of cargo pants, a t-shirt and some sneakers
- a pair of jeans, a dress shirt and a pair of loafers
These are just a few ideas. You’ll get more once you start going through the mall and try out different combinations.