What Should a T-Shirt Look Like?

This post was inspired by Johnny Depp’s outfits which, as I’m sue you already know from a previous article, is a big fan of t-shirts.
I just wanted to give you a few pointers as to what makes a good t-shirt, which colors to choose and which models to avoid.
This one is easy. Always go for cotton. It’s breathable, it’s light and it’s casual. Avoid synthetic fibers as they can cause itching and don’t allow for proper air circulation.
Since t-shirt are always part of casual outfits, you can choose pretty much any color you want. Since they surround your face, it’s always good to choose a color that makes good contrast with your skin tone.
For instance, you can pair this t-shirt with a pair of khakis and white low-sole sneakers for an after-work casual look:
Or, you can go for one of those striped mens tees. This way you’ll have more options when it comes to color matching:
What not to wear
There are certain t-shirt that will make you look awful, so please stay away from them: t-shirts with brands and logos on them (your favorite team, your favorite drink, your company’s logo etc.)
Your outfit is your business card so what place does another brand have on it?
Stay stylish,