How to Pick the Perfect Men’s Wedding Ring

One of the *toughest* periods in any man’s life is – you guessed it – his wedding. There are lots of details to consider (which I’m not going to cover here from obvious reasons).
What I do want to talk about is choosing the right wedding ring for yourself (or your friend that’s getting married). There are a few key aspects you should consider before you buy one.
Choose The Right Width for Your Size
The first thing you should think about is the width. As you know, here at we’re obsessed with how everything fits you and the wedding ring makes no exception.
Longer fingers ask for a wider ring, shorter noes for a shorter ring. The most common ring width is 6mm, followed by 7mm. If you’re shorter than average, you may opt for 5mm but 6 is should be good enough for anyone.
Not that the width in discuttion is NOT the diameter of the ring. That has to be dealt width separately. We’re talking about the width of the wedding ring (or band) along the finger.
If you’re going for a more complex design of your ring, which might not be available on the 6 or 7mm versions, keep in mind that wider ones can feel uncomfortable when worn. You won’t be able to experience this on the spot, only after a while so keep this in mind.
I wish I could tell you what your budget should be (like I do for the rest of the fashion items that I recommend) but I simply can’t thins time. How much you want to spend on this rare accessory is really up to you.
Basically you’ve got a whole spectrum: from cheap wedding rings to really expensive ones. Deciding how much you want to spend is not just about how much you can afford but about how much you think price matters.
Your personality
Personality isn’t something that I can pinpoint for you. When choosing a men’s wedding ring you should go (up to a point) with your gut level. If you’re an introvert you might want to take a look at simple wedding rings, and if you’re more of an extrovert… a ring with engravings will suit you better.
Your Lifestyle
Most men don’t even want to consider this but it’s super important. If you play a lot of sports or if you do a lot of manual labor, keeping your wedding ring on at these times can prove challenging.
Ideally you’ll want to take it off – it’s the best bet. But, if you don’t (some couples decide they don’t want to take it off at all), then it’s best to choose a tougher metal.
Again, my advice to you is: take it off during activities which might damage it. Otherwise, later on you’ll be forced to take it off… and replace it altogether!
Ok, I get it. Love trumps all and you’re not going to take it off no matter what. That’s ok, I gave it a shot. What you should do is go for men’s rings from stronger metals and alloys, such as titanium or tungsten.
Speaking of which, what are the best metals when it comes to men’s rings?
Choose The Right Metal
Everyone’s hear about gold wedding rings, right? Your dad probably has one. Such rings are still a viable choice but probbly not the best one to make.
Silver, titanium and tungsten are more popular right now. Gold is somewhat outdated and most guys prefer to ignore it, just to be safe.
From a style point of view (I hope you’be been reading my other articles & eBook about matching accessories because they’re pure gold), tungsten and titanium are great choices.
The reason is that you can now match your wedding ring with… let say… a titanium bracelet. Or maybe even an awesome leather + titanium bracelet, what do you think?
Now I know marriage is such a huge thing… and that you want your ring to be special… maybe even expensive?
In that case, forget about tungsten and titanium. The metals you should be on the look out are: white gold, platinum and palladium. Also, be on the lookout for rings that have diamonds encrusted in them – they are MEMORABLE. has exactly those types of rings. One of the coolest palladium wedding rings (which also happens to have 10 diamonds (that’s TEN) encrusted in it) is this one:
Antique/vintage rings
So maybe you’re not the flashy kind of person and you’re not looking for contemporary rings. You want something a little more… old fashioned. if a gold wedding ring is not enough, you always have the options of choosing a vintage ring.
Choosing a vintage ring requires a lot more effort, though, and it’s not within the scope of this article (I’m no expert in vintage jewelry). You have to watch out for fakes plus you have to know the eras into which vintage rings fall (Victorian, Edwardian etc.).
Well, I laid out the options for you. It’s up to you to make the best choice depending on time, budget and your personal lifestyle and preferences.
Good luck and let me know when you buy it by placing a comment below… so I can congratulate you.