Unique Ways Women Can Finally Find Love In 2020

By Jeana Jaeger
It’s no surprise that millions of singles across America are looking to finally find true love in 2020. Some dating experts say that not only do singles need to stop being so picky and closed minded when it comes to finding love, but they also need to step outside of their comfort zone and try some unconventional methods if they really want to find the love they deserve this year.
Some unique, yet somewhat obvious ways that women can find a potential match is to go where men spend time exploring their hobbies or hanging out, such as hardware stores, gun shows, car shows, sporting events, or even shopping in the opposite sex’s clothing department. Also, using public transportation during peak times instead of driving along in your car offers wide exposure to a large group of people. It’s important to always be open and receptive to finding and receiving love when you least expect it throughout your daily life.
It’s important to always be open and receptive to finding and receiving love when you least expect it throughout your daily life.
It’s also a great idea to look beyond your backyard and consider dating internationally. A 2020 Report on International Dating Trends, commissioned by RapidVisa, an online visa processing company responsible for processing nearly 14% of all K-1 “fiancé” visas, uncovered a number of surprising findings about how U.S. singles are finding love abroad. Ways to find love abroad include vacationing and meeting locals, going on a mission trip, studying abroad or finding a job overseas, playing online games and joining international dating sites instead of just domestic ones.
Key findings from the report include that over 55 percent of K-1 applicants first met online, and that Facebook supports over 80% of all social media meeting stories.
Key findings from the report include that over 55 percent of K-1 applicants first met online, and that Facebook supports over 80% of all social media meeting stories, as it allows for more diverse partnerships across the world. If you’re a gamer, you may be in luck. Couples who meet through online gaming are a quickly growing group. The report found that the top five games where K-1 applicants meet a fiancé include World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Game of War, Second Life and Clash of Kings. Meeting in person is also a common pathway for K-1 applicants, including meeting on business trips, through leisure travel or even meeting through friends or family.
Contrary to popular beliefs, the report also revealed that couples who date internationally are more likely to marry than those who date domestically – proving that these couples are looking for long-term, committed relationships.
It’s no secret that digital technology has drastically affected the dating trends of singles, but it’s also shaped the way we find love with other cultures on an international level. Instead of being set up on by friends or relying on meeting someone organically in person, people are logging in online to find their match, which is often more convenient than traditional methods for those with a busy schedule.
At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is to keep your heart open to love. Whether you are at Home Depot buying lightbulbs, enjoying happy hour with your girlfriends, or playing Clash of Kings, you may just bump into your soulmate and find the love you’ve always been searching for.