Seven Services Your Painting Business Could Offer

There is very little that differentiates one can of paint from another. The options will likely be the same if you go to any hardware store. But, on the other hand, the services offered by different painting companies could not be more different. This is because painting businesses can use the services and specialties that they offer to help them stand out from competitors. So, what are some popular painting services that your business could offer?
Any professional painting business can help attract customers by offering wallpaper removal, interior painting, exterior painting, paint removal, power washing, staining, and commercial washing. What services are most near you will depend on factors such as local competition.
Of course, it will take knowing a lot more than just the above to help you find your painting niche. Please read on for more on all of the services above and how they may be incorporated into your painting business.
Wallpaper Removal
To put it simply, wallpaper removal is a chore. For this reason alone, many homeowners dread doing it. The savvy painting professional can recognize this and make it one of their featured services. Want to know the best part about being hired for wallpaper removal? Ninety-nine out of a hundred times, the homeowner will pick the same outfit to do whatever painting they may want to be done once the old wallpaper is out of there. Combining the two into one project is a great way to increase the amount of revenue coming into the business. (And in reality, removing wallpaper isn’t that bad a job.)
Interior Painting
There can be a lot of competition among painters for interior painting jobs. This is because they tend to be more straightforward work, done indoors away from harsh weather, and are subject to a more confined space. But, of course, that doesn’t mean that businesses focusing on interior work are without risk. There is still plenty of things that can go wrong on an indoor paint job. So be sure to have your business squared away when complying with local regulations such as insurance.
But suppose your company doesn’t already have painter’s insurance. In that case, you can quickly get your insurance quote online in minutes. What coverage you’ll need will vary depending on where your business operates. For example, most states require all employers to have a policy that covers worker’s compensation. Texas and Oklahoma are the only states that allow private business owners to opt-out of worker’s compensation plans. Other common coverage areas for painting businesses include contractor errors and omissions (E&O), tools and equipment, commercial property, and commercial vehicle insurance. Be sure to get a few quotes to compare prices. And if you still aren’t sure what type of coverage you need. (A qualified insurance professional will be able to help you figure out what policies are right for your situation.)
Paint Removal and Scraping
One of the best ways to ensure that paint thoroughly bonds to the surface it is being applied to is to make sure that the area has been adequately prepared. For most jobs, this will include scraping off old layers of paint. Unfortunately, this work is time-consuming, dirty, and laborious, and for these reasons, most homeowners can’t stand to do it. And this reticence makes paint removal another specialty that painting businesses in the know can try to take advantage of.
Exterior Painting
For most parts of the country, exterior paint jobs will be seasonal. Outdoor work typically starts up in early March and can last through November. While these jobs can be larger and more lucrative, they also will require a larger outlay of capital in terms of equipment and laborers.
Some companies will avoid outdoor work while others will specialize in it. If competition in your area is sparse, exterior painting can be a fertile area to start your painting business in.
Similar to traditional painting, staining is the process of dying wood to a different color. Stains are made with the same materials, but they are heavier on solvents and have less pigment than paint.
Staining also must be reapplied frequently, sometimes even on an annual basis. For this reason, if you can build up a good base of repeat customers, staining can be a very profitable specialty for a painting business to have.
Power Washing
As power washers are often used to prepare an area for painting, many businesses in the industry will offer power washing services on the side, too. This is a win-win specialty, requiring no extra equipment (if you already have the washer). Most projects will also be smaller and manageable for even a minimal crew to handle.
Commercial Painting
Working on commercial properties is an altogether different beast for painters. The jobs will likely be bigger, but other aspects will likely be more challenging. For example, working on a high-rise condo will likely require special equipment and insurance to do work outside the building.
Working on commercial projects will also require keeping multiple stakeholders happy and a clear line of communication with the ultimate decision-maker. For example, some companies won’t want to work with an HOA and multiple condo owners. This is where an intelligent company can step in and take the business.
Pick a Specialty and Stick with It!
Any of the above services would be great for a new painting business to get into. They each have their pros and cons, but they all can lead to more jobs and more money when done the right way. Be sure to consider your choice carefully before making it. Changing specialties later isn’t a death knell for a painting business if it doesn’t work out. But it can be an expensive mistake to make and one that is best avoided.