What to Wear on a Casual First Date: Guide For Guys

The question of style for many guys is very acute. Going on a date with a girl, you suddenly find that you absolutely do not know what to wear on a casual first date. It seems to be a lot of different clothes, but there’s nothing to dress. For this case, we have prepared this article about casual first date clothes.
If you start looking for information on this issue, you will find many different articles that describe the issues of combining clothing. It can be dressed with that, but it’s not allowed. You’d think that the guys turned into ladies since they worry about casual dating clothes.
The whole secret is that there is no single recipe, what and how to dress to please the companion. Everyone has different tastes and opinions about this. Some girls like guys in suits, and some like young people in sweaters and jeans. This is a matter of individual preferences. And in general, try to pick up clothes so that you’ll impress a girl is a bad idea.
The whole secret is that there is no single recipe, what and how to dress to please the opposite sex.
When your favorite clothes are on you, nothing hampers you. You feel at ease and behave more naturally. The easier and more natural clothes for a casual first date are to you, the more smoothly your date will pass.
The easier and more natural clothes for a casual first date are to you, the more smoothly your date will pass.
Trying to dress like that to please a lady can lead you to a very different situation. Let’s say you can not stand classical suits. Well, it did not work out with you and that’s it. You are very uncomfortable in them, and all your movements are like a frightening twitching scarecrow. There it presses, there it pulls, there it presses again. But after all, on the women’s forums, it is written that all the girls are crazy about the guys in suits! It is necessary to dress a suit … Do you really think that if you suffer all these torments during a date, then this will add points to you in the eyes of the lady?
Be Yourself
Your goal in preparing for a date is not to drive yourself into the frame of an image that theoretically might like some unknown lady. Your goal is to find the girl you like the way you are. This is especially important if you want to find a girl for a serious relationship. Do not try to become like someone. This is the wrong way, which leads only to disappointment.
Cleanliness and Neatness
There is no one super-style and it’s a fact! What to wear for the first date for men guides are fake. But this does not mean that there are no rules at all. Nobody says that you should always wear a torn jeans and an old sweater. A man should look neat and fresh. All people have a greater disposition to a neat appearance. Think yourself, how would you look at a girl if she came to a meeting in an old sports jacket?
Therefore, it is important to remember that clothes should be clean and smell good. This is the first rule of any serious man. Prepare trousers/jeans for a meeting, pre-wash and iron them, if required. Prepare in the same way a shirt / T-shirt. Do not forget to pay attention to shoes.
Great, if you have a new set of your favorite style that you wear, what is called “on the way out.” It is wonderful. New comfortable clothes are the best option! But if there is not a new one, it’s not scary.
Do not forget to use aftershave! This is also an important part of your image. Fresh clothes plus cologne will create a pleasant look and feel. And with this, as everyone knows, everything begins. Good luck on your date!
P.S: in the case you do not know whom to invite on a date, check here – uabrides.com!