Lululemon vs. Birddogs: Who Makes Better Pants?

A quick primer: whether you need a pair of professional work pants or you want to unwind with friends dining outdoors, these two options will blow whatever you’re currently wearing right off your legs.
Birddogs ($95 at the time of publication): 13/15 total stars
Lululemon ABC ($128 at the time of publication): 11/15 total stars
Let’s break it down.
The truth is, Birddogs pants are just more comfortable. They have the perfect amount of stretch to avoid feeling like an overstuffed sausage and they’re exceptionally soft. Lulu makes a comfy pair of slacks, good stretch and feel, but Birddogs pants are superior here.
Think about it, unless you’re topless, pants make up half of your look. Being able to wear these to the office, on the golf course, and to Happy Hour is important.. The Lululemons look a bit too casual for work, but I could wear them for errands or going out. The Birddogs covered me for most occasions. Point Birddogs.
This is a tough one because unless the pants fit like a trash bag it’s personal preference. I liked the modern athletic cut on both the pants. Hard to choose a winner on fit alone. Well earned tie.’