What’s One Garment You Buy Way Too Often?

Once you start buying stylish clothes, there’s not turning back. You periodically purchase something, even though you don’t really need it.
I don’t care whether this is a good thing or not. That’s up for everyone to decide for themselves. I’m sure a lot of times you were weary of getting something simply because it wasn’t in the budget.
Out of all these clothes and accessories, you end up liking some more than the others. I’m looking at my closet right now and I can already spot what I have too much of.
Though recently I’ve started wearing t-shirts a lot more, shirts are still the garment that is most present in my wardrobe. Right now I have…
- a white shirt (everyone must have at least one)
- a white shirt with blue checks
- a white shirt with blue microchecks and french cuff
- a light blue linen shirt
- and even a few in bold colors such as yellow or fuchsia
The total count is of 14 dress shirts and I still feel like I could use a few more.
Let’s move on to…
What best accessory to wear with a shirt than a tie, right? Although I’m not a bow-tie person (though I have a few of those as well), I currently have 16 ties, including:
- a few in purple
- one made of denim
- and a couple of white ones that I only wear in casual encounters (white neckties should not be worn with format attire)
- a few that are wider, suitable to be worn on formal occasions, yet not woo wide as to not be in harmony with my torso and shoulder length
My shoe collection is still developing as far of size is concerned, but I’m sure that in 6 months to a year it will. Shoes are a bit more expensive, especially boots but in time, I’m sure you’ll wake up too with at least 20 pairs that you can hardly
Final word
While this article is not here to focus on how many clothes you should buy, I do feel that I need to give you some advice on compulsive shopping (if this is you).
Before you buy something on the spot just because it made a great first impression to you, ask yourself a few questions:
Does this fit my budget?
Will it work with other garments I already have in my wardrobe?
Do I already have enough of this type of garment?
And now, for the big question…
What item do YOU find yourself buying over and over again? Let us know by writing your answer below, then hitting the “Submit comment” button.