A Few Quick Fashion Tips For Men

While we’ve delved in previous articles deep down the rabbit hole with fashion and style techniques that can make you look really hot, we’ll do things a little differently this time.
I’ve come up with a list of quick fashion checklist. use it to determine just how much you know about how to dress. Chances are there are at least a few of them you don’t know.
#1 Do NOT wear socks with sandals
I can’t tell you how many time I’ve seen this happen. Socks with sandals is a BIG no-no. Sandals are to be worn in the summer, when the temperatures are high. You won’t need socks at all.
#2 Try before you buy
Never Buy clothes or accessories before you see how they look on you. While it’s hard to find something that fits you perfectly, do try on as many clothes as possible before you find what you want. I cringe when I hear guys buying something, then whining how they made a mistake and can’t get their money back.
#3 Invest in a good suit
Even if you’re not the formal type of guy, you should have your own suit for special occasions. You can’t go in jeans at a wedding or at a formal dinner. make sure you get a good wool or cotton suit that will last you for years. Choose a good color, take it to the tailors for adjustment and get a shirt or two to match it.
#4 Do wear color
Did you notice in the blog sidebar a free eBook that exposes one of fashion’s best kept secrets? That secret is color and so many guys are afraid of it!
Regardless of your age, do spice up your outfits with a little color. It’s a great way to stand out from the crowd and show everyone your fashion sense.
#5 Don’t be a fashion victim
When you buy something new, make sure it’s something you really need. Don’t fall victim to those commercials that dictate to you what you should get. Instead, think of the image you want to project and buy clothes that show your personality.
#6 Don’t ignore your skin
While most of us take facial care for granted, you might be surprised to notice a real difference in your skin if you only took care of it. Exfoliate, shave, tone and moisturize; you’ll increase your attractiveness with a cleaner, better looking face.
#7 Don’t wear funny t-shirts
T-shirts with funny messages on them look ridiculous. If you want to use words to communicate that you’re a sexual man, don’t get a t-shirt that says “SEX” on it, please! There’s another way to do it: just wear bolder colors, accessories remember that fit is king. You’ll communicate more sex than that not so funny t-shirt will ever be able to.
T-shirts that have a cartoon character can work sometimes. I’ve seen in a D&G collection the smiling face of Mickey Mouse and it looked so awesome that I got a Popeye t-shirt myself. But please, don’t wear t-shirts with logos on them, especially the logo of the company you work for.
#8 Don’t wear dark brown and black
The contrast is terrible. Also, never wear a black suit with brown shoes.
#9 Don’t be cheap when it comes to shoes
A good pair of shoes can last you a long time as long as you know how to take good care of them. A cheap pair of shoes will quickly fall apart. Only buy quality shoes and think of them as an investment. Wear them by rotation each day and clean them regularly to have them last you for years.
#10 Work on your fashion sense
No matter how old we are, we will never know everything. Your fashion sense is like a muscle. it needs to be constantly be worked out. Look at photos of great looking outfits to get inspired. There are a number of male celebrities who dress stylishly that you’ll want to check out.
#11 Don’t be afraid to wear accessories
Accessories can say a lot about a guy and help tremendously in attracting women. If you’re under 30, go for a cool fedora hat, bracelets, pendants. If you’re going for a more mature look, go for scarves, pocket squares and watches.
#12 Don’t trade style for warmth
During winter a lot of guys prefer to wear leather jackets and, if that’s not enough, they keep them unzipped. They want to show off their slim tie so much that they’re willing to risk a pneumonia to do it.
Comfort is number one, style is second. There are plenty of ways to look stylish when it’s freezing outside, such as wearing a scarf or a knitted jumper.
#13 Try new things
As you grow older, your fashion sense changes. This is actually a great opportunity for you to do some variations in your style. A new accessory or a new color are always great places to start. Get out of your comfort zone and do it.
#14 Don’t unbutton your shirt too much
I’ve seen plenty of guys showing their chest hair in public places. Unless you happen to be an experienced bodybuilder, this will never look good…. unless you’re on the beach. There’s a fine line between sexy and obnoxious so make sure you don’t cross it.
#15 Always iron your clothes
This is one of those things only other people notice. We never notice our own wrinkled clothes. Make it a habit to always take one last look in the mirror before you leave the house. Look for wrinkles, stains or anything that looks suspicious.
#16 Do mix formal with casual
I do this all the time and I love it. I wear a sports jacket with jeans and a pocket square, a tie with a polo shirt and so on. Intriguing clothes combinations make you an intriguing person.
#17 Get a great haircut
This is a biggie. You can wear generic clothes and a great haircut and look better than another you in stylish clothes with messy hair. Go to a hair stylist and figure out together what would look good on you. Then give it a try and don’t forget to change your haircut every so often.