3 Advantages Of Starting A Blog For Business

Blogging has fast become the new norm for news, research, and marketing. A company blog provides a platform for creating insightful content that can help to position you as a thought-leader in your field while also giving you an extra opportunity to soft-sell your products and services and enhance your website. Below are some of the main ways a blog can help your business and some real-world examples.
Niche Targeting
For any niche business, a strong blog can be particularly productive as through discussing relevant topics with careful use of keywords you can attract the ideal audience, with the most interest who are easiest to convert. Take this website for Escort service Dusseldorf, a high-class escort service in Germany, as an example. By including this news blog they are not only sharing more information about their beautiful companions for hire to further entice browsing gentleman but also helping their website rank higher for relevant target keywords, in this case, regional key phrases like ‘escorts in Dusseldorf’. Through creating a steady stream of relevant articles, with carefully chosen keywords that reflect the type of searches they are trying to rank highly for, this escort service will increase site traffic from an interested audience and ultimately win more dates for the women who signed up as escorts.
If you are an expert in your field and keep on top of industry news and changes, publishing a blog on your website can help sell your services by positioning yourself as a thought leader. Alternatively, you can position your business differently by writing blogs that you feel will appeal to your target audience and then link them to your services. This is the tactic the aforementioned Escort service Dusseldorf has attempted in their news blog. For example, this short piece on the World Trade Fair for Transport Technology in Berlin is clearly designed to draw in wealthy businessmen in town for this well-known conference who may be looking to hire an escort while in town. In this way, this escort service shows itself to be the perfect agency for catering to professional businessmen who may be willing to pay more money and may require more discretion.
General SEO
We have already touched on how releasing relevant content with keywords can improve your website and increase relevant traffic. This all relates to a fundamental part of digital marketing called Search Engine Optimization or SEO, the process or helping your site rank higher on Google searches. One of the main elements of this is content, and for niche businesses, this can be used to target specific search terms that relate to your field. Although this is also true for non-niche business, it is far more difficult if you are in a more general field with lots of competitors online. However, all sites can benefit from content as Google favors sites that regularly release new, original content regardless of how niche or keyword-focused it is. Check out this article for more info on how blogging can help with your SEO. One of the most important and impactful ways content can be used to boost SEO is through linking, as we outline on this page, blogging can mean you earn more inbound links from trusted websites into your own which further strengthens your site’s SEO.
These are just a few of the benefits writing a blog can bring. For those able to produce lots of great content you can also expect the content itself to naturally help with your brand building and SEO. This can be seen almost instantly as you start sharing your new content on social media and start to see more likes, shares, and perhaps even some SEO-friendly links to your content, which is also an important part of the SEO.