You’ve been hearing this for years: Wear color!, Stand out!, Be yourself!, Who cares what anyone else thinks? So, you timidly decide you should follow these voices and you buy a red pair of chinos, ...
One of the things I always stress to my style students is attention to detail. No matter where you go, make sure you’ve got the right outfit and that you’re always trying to make a ...
I’m excited. I’m really excited. I sent an e-mail to Mr. Roetzel but little did I know he would be so prompt in answering me back. The answers to the interview questions, which were sent ...
I’ve talked a lot about leather shoes and why they’re the number one option for a stylish outfit. I’ve even taken it one step further and discussed some unusual models, such as monk strap and ...
I know, I know. How can I even mention combat shorts after so many shirts and suits? Yes. Sometimes you need a break. Maybe you want to wear simple jeans and a white t-shirt, maybe ...
There are quite a lot of trends that are out there right now. Most of them look amazing and I make sure I incorporate them in every single one of my outfits. But, truth be ...
One of the never ending quests here at Be Stylish is finding that little style item that makes all the difference. Most of the times, that item is a small accessory that brings a drop ...
photo: Men style is so big that most guys shrug their shoulders when you tell them that shorts can be part of a preppy look. The first image that comes to their mind is ...
Sure, this looks is simple. But, sometimes, it’s the simple outfits that attract the eye the most. Peter is wearing a pair of white linen pants, a rolled-up linen white shirt and a pair of ...
Summer is almost here and temperatures are constantly over 70 degrees F (20 degrees C). Because we have weddings and other formal events, the question on everyone’s mind is: how do we dress stylishly and ...